
Training Overview

If you're new to ARMA this is where you start.

(Under 100 hours)
  • Attend RASP Training
  • Attend all Phases of CSTC
  • Attend an MOS training

If you have some experience in ARMA

(Under 1000 hours)
  • Test out of RASP
  • Attend all Phases of CSTC
  • Attend an MOS training

If you have a lot of experience in ARMA

(Over1000 hours)
  • Test out of RASP
  • Test out of CSTC
  • Attend an MOS training

You wrote the book on ARMA, thousands of hours.

(Over 2000 hours)
  • Test out of RASP
  • Test out of CSTC
  • Test out of MOS training


Mostly its simple, we ask you a few questions, or demonstrate a few tasks on our training servers.

The testing is in a simple GO/NO GO format, 80% GO's is required for a GO

Example: (the following is the tasks for RASP)

                    1. Can work ACE menus
                    2. Has TFAR working and Can do a radio check
                    3. Can send a properly formatted radio message
                    4. Can provide the eight digit grid for three random points on the map or Can identify an object at three randomly selected eight digit grids , or any combination of .
                    5. Can move out on a provided bearing,
                    6. Can and has built an operational kit for the next phases of training
                    7. Can perform self aid, answer basic questions about self aid
                    8. Can perform buddy aid, communicate, and respond to Medic properly
                    9. Can perform Friend or Foe recognition
                    10. Can answer basic questions on the rules of engagement.

Combat Skills Training Course (CSTC) the FTX will be considered the Test

RAST and CSTC Overview


  • Leadership
  • ACE basic
  • Radio Basics
  • Land Navigation
  • Compass
  • Map Tools
  • Delta History
  • Kit Building
  • Combat Life Saver (CLS)
  • Target Identification (TID)


  • Tactical Combat Skills
  • Formations and Security
  • Types of Contact
  • Types of Fires
  • Movement of a Troop
  • Conduct an Assault/Raid
  • Reorganize a Unit
  • Conduct an Ambush
  • Vehicle Operations


  • CQB & Urban Operations
  • Infil/Exfil Tactics
  • Military Free Fall
  • High Altitude Low Opening Jump (basics)
  • High Altitude High Opening Jump (basics)
  • Helicopter Dismount and Security
  • Rappelling
  • Fast Roping



Our Field Training Exercise is highly-customizable, hands-on, Live Fire mission that places our candidates in high-stress, challenging, and chaotic situations that will test their ability to apply their tactical knowledge in ARMA